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Premier Orchestra

The norm in the PREMIER ORCHESTRA will be advanced standard repertoire, although on occasion arrangements frequently played by professional orchestras will also be played.  Good tone production on all instruments is expected.  Intonation and the subtleties thereof will be discussed and worked on.  The dynamic range, while maintaining good intonation and tone will be widened. Blasting from the brass should not exist and percussionists will be made aware of the many options they have in sound production. Woodwinds will push their technique considerably. Some rehearsals will include sight reading. 


By the time a student reaches Premier it will be after several orchestral experiences. After having learned basic bowing technique, transpositions, and an array of percussion instruments, it is time to employ rehearsal exercises that will bring the ability to interpret to a sophisticated level.  The conductor may find it helpful to play passages using different interpretations and lead a discussion about the differences.  Discussions about relevant musical form, harmony, and instrumentation will be held in order to widen the scope the students’ observations.  Sectionals that separate the brass/woodwinds/percussion from the strings may be held. Brass and woodwinds will also hold separate sectionals as needed. Separate sectionals for percussion will be held as needed. An annual solo competition for members of the orchestra is conducted each season. The winner(s) of the competition will perform with the Premier Orchestra.

Brahms Symphony No. 1 - Premier Orchestra
00:00 / 00:00
Spirit of India Concert - Premier Orchestra
00:00 / 00:00

Premier Orchestra meets on Thursday nights for rehearsal 7:00 pm - 9:15 pm. Subject to change.


Rehearsals begin September 1st and continue through early May.


All potential members must audition for our programs.  See Audition Requirements.

Conductor Premier Orchestra


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Sacramento Youth Symphony

3443 Ramona Avenue, Suite 22

Sacramento, CA 95826-3833

Tel: 916-731-5777



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